I really wanted to start painting my kitchen cabinets, but Ryan wants me to finish my other wood projects first. Who me? Other wood projects?
Well, there IS that cabinet from my grandma that is taking up way too much room in the garage. Oh, and did I mention the swingset we got from our neighbors when they moved that is sitting on the side of my house waiting to be fixed up? How about the picture frames taking up the vacuum closet?
Okay, Okay, I get it. So here is a project my friend Sara and I did in just a few minutes to get it off my list!
I bought this bench at a garage sale for $20 a few weeks ago.
Time for a redo!
Looks fantastic Whitney - I love it! I think with the painting cabinets I am going to start with my master and do a grey green martha kind of color.
So nice! I'm impressed, Martha.
WOW! Amazing!!!
Wow! That really looks fantastic! Great job!
Terrific Redo! That bench could go anywhere. Love the choice of fabric.
It looks so much better! I love the fabric you chose and the black paint really makes it look classic. It looks very expensive, now. Well done!
I love the shape of the bench and the colors you chose. It looks great!
it looks great!
Looks great! Very nice transformation! Less then an hour! I am impressed!
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