For example:
Alexa has learned to climb the ladder. She can make it to the tippy top in less than 30 seconds. So proud.
Ainsley and her friends have taken every liquid in the house and mixed them together. I dare ou to drink it...
Actually, we have done a few fun science experiments, too. Like placing ice cubes in 10 different locations in and out of the house. That was fun. Can you believe that an ice floating in the pool melts 4 hours faster than one in my closet. Love the wet clothes. Thanks, kids. At least they kept charts. I teach them well. :)
We painted the living room. I am tired of a blah beige house. Beige couches, beige walls, beige doors, beige cabinets, beige carpet, ahhhh! I LOVE color. So,
And if you can see the UGLY chandeleir hanging over my piano, I hated it. There is only a small corner showing, so use your imagination. It is gold with a gold and glass umbrella on it. Cheap and ugly. See my redone version now...
Yay for green and yellow! I wish you could see the color better. Ryan says it makes him hungry for guacamole, but IIIII like it. And the light. I have no money for a new, so I revamped. I took the umbrella thingy off and a few other ugly parts. Then I painted it a lovely antique white, which will match my cabinets when they are done. (Project to come.) I know it's too small now, but I like it WAY better.
Nice painting job! And I love the chandelier! I hate the cheap gold lights that come 'standard' with houses--they are hideous! I can't wait to see your cabinets... a house with yellow walls and antique white cabinets is my dream!!
I like it :)
Oooh, I do love that green color. It looks so nice. Someday I'll have to make it to Arizona with Chris to see your home!
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