Saturday, August 01, 2009


Ainsley has "officially" changed her name to Paige. I am constantly being reminded that I have it wrong. After 8 years of calling her Bran-Sall-Ains, I am supposed to switch?


Meredith said...

I was always mer-mol-meg. I think you can make anything work.

Amy said...

K--you need to explain the 'Bran' thing to me, I totally don't get I it. Maybe I'm just slow-IDK. But you better change the name over her pic on the sidebar, too-lol

brittanyc said...

You're kidding. Is she totally serious? Like, she'll be going by Paige in school now and everything?! That girl... :)

Lytles said...

Just call her Paigesly. It would be a great combo name.