Today Brandon was VERY sad (as you can see) because he lost one of his best friends, the catterpillar he found yesterday. He was SOOOO sad. Ainsley and Brandon found him outside yesterday and put him in a cup with leaves, excited about him turning into a butterfly. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.
Brandon is so sweet. He came in absolutely depressed, crying, bawling. We had to wrap him in a leaf and bury him in the back yard. Brandon gave him a eulogy. It kind of reminded me of the office when Michael was so upset about the bird that flew into the door and died. Brandon's eulogy went something like this, "I am going to miss catty. sob sob sob. He was so cute and sweet. All he liked to do was wiggle and now he is dead. sob sob sob. I loved him. Heavenly Father will make him come back alive again. sob sob sob. He will eat his way through this leaf and be my friend again some day. I will miss him. sob sob sob." Any time someone mentions it, he cries again. It was another big deal when Ryan came home from work. He said he would buy him some more catterpillars, but that brought on new tears, because no one can replace catty.
What a sweet boy.
he is such a sweet boy. what a great thing you have the blo to record that. he is cute
That picture is priceless. What a great frown :) Cute.
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