Ainsley and her best friend, Rebecca, decided to get their ears pierced together, and today was the day! Ainsley was a little nervous, but was brave and didn't cry at all! I think she wanted to for a minute. All night long she kept reminding me how much they hurt.
Her CZ's are so sparkly I am jealous. Can I get some diamonds like that, please???
As for the boy...
Brandon has a bunch of friends joining a basketball league. I asked him if he wanted to play on their team. This was his response.
"I will only play if I can use a remote control ball."
And he was totally serious.
that is so fun! brandon kills me. what a good little kid he is, to. cute ainsley!
Ainsley I am impressed....they look so cute!!
Just like a boy...sounds just like Ryan ;)
Such grown up little girls we have here...Ainsley was so brave!
Fancy, fancy! She looks very grown-up! Did dad handle the ear piercing okay?
Isn't it so much fun when they decide to get their ears pierced? Everyone keeps telling me to get Clara's done now, but I like how exciting it is for little girls to decide for themselves that they're brave enough to do it. Very cute, Ainsley!!
Brandon has the funniest sense of humor. There are days that I wish more sports could be played with a remote control ball.
Well I don't think guys grow out of that because I can't remember the last time that Dustin played a game that wasn't virtual.
Whitney....from Agoura ward? Wow, I hope you remember me. I had no idea we both lived in AZ. check out my blog or email me, we can catch up. -Shaunee
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