So, my counter is usually a disaster. With mail, homework papers, etc., I can hardly see the surface. AND I often hear, "where's my reading log?" "I can't find a pencil." It was driving me crazy.
So, I came up with this easy sew idea. Here is a picture of the proto type I has my mom make for me. (thanks, mom.)
What I did was take 2 placemats and sew them together. That way, It's a bit thicker, and already hemmed and lined. Then we made pockets for pencils and sharpeners out of scrap material, and hung it on the back of the barstool. After homework, all papers that aren't going in the backpack go in this holder. We also put a calendar of school due dates in it, for those stressful moments of "when is my poem memorization due?" or book report or whatever. This has been an awesome thing to have, with one problem.
Can you believe I used to use those placemats? heehee. So, here's where I need your help.
PLEASE give me some ideas on how to make a good looking one or on upgrading it a bit. I would love to hear your crafty solutions!!!!!
BTW, I was cutting up chicken tonight when Brandon asked me what the yummy part inside chicken nuggets is made from.
Are you sure?
Pretty sure.
Why doesn't it taste like chicken?
I don't know.
This kid cracks me up.
It is a great idea - I think if the system works for you, go for it. If you don't like the placemats, do different ones. Now, for me, I got a scrapbooking tool tote (with a Joann's coupon it was like $8 bucks) to keep on the table that is fully stocked with all supplies they need for homework and in the kitchen coloring or small crafts - pencils, markers, crayons, scissors, glue, rulers, phonogram cards, etc. It is easily portable as a unit. So far, so good. I used to have seperate boxes for everything and it was a nightmare. As for papers, Lindsay's class has a 3 ring binder with all necessary stuff in sheet protectors that goes back and forth to school. And as for poem recitations, it is always in that binder. But, I made a copy of it! We started this in kindergarten - tape it to the bathroom mirror and she practices it every time she is in the bathroom. Works like a dream.
I say find a solution that works for you and your kids - that eliminates so many opportunities for stress. Doesn't remove it all together but reduces it!!
I think your idea is fabulous! I hang tin pocket folders on the wall (from Joann's) and the kids have a file cab. /desk area upstairs in the nook. I love it that yours is portable. The thing you'll find is that as soon as Alexa is pulling herself up, she will be all over those pencils and pulling them out and making a game out of it. But for now, if it's not broke--don't fix it!! You could use home decorator fabric and make it match your decor if it bothers you. My mom made similar ones to strap behind the drivers/passenger seats in our van to store all our goodies/ boredom busters in on long trips...
don't you love creating???
Thos are NOT ugly!! They are awesome! I am totally going to copy the idea. I love that. Organization is NOT my strong suit, so you've given me a wonderful idea. Thanks!
I think it's great! I fight the same fight. This year, however, I came up with what I thought was a clever idea. I had found a plastic file holder (I may have to send you a picture) that came with heavy duty magnets. The way my house is arranged, I was able to magnet it onto my garage door (which I have a kid calendar there, and it's our mud room) Anyway, it is easy to remove from the door (cause of magnets) and it sticks back on easily too. (Could magnet to the side of your fridge in the kitchen too). Any way. I bought 3 colored folders, one for each of our kids. When they come home from school, I have that sitting by me ready, with pencils in it and the kids pull out homework from back packs, and we arrange and put everything in there right then.
Okay, I'm rambling, but it works. I'll try to get a picture to send to you. It's heavy duty, and looks organized is the bottom line! :)
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