It seems like last season just ended, but here we are again, spending our Saturdays full of sun and exercise. At least Ainsley's first game was at 7:30 am. We beat the heat today. I'm a little nervous, though. Ryan has a scout camp out next weekend, right in time for the 1:00 pm game! How in the world am I going to do that with a baby and 105 degree heat? Blah!
Ainsley did great! This is the first year for goalies, and they now kick the coaches off the field. She's growing up! It was fun to see them stay in their positions, and pass the ball, etc. Good bye to the clumping in a big pack the ball. (I hated that!) Hello to the real game! yay!
We were back for a 1pm game today and it was rough! I will stay with you next week and we can be miserable together!
Eeek! I knew there was a reason I haven't offered up soccer yet. I've got a little water bottle fan if you want it. :)
I love reading about all the things that you are doing with your kids. I especially loved your husbands comments on what he's learned as a parent. The Dairy Queen comment was priceless.
I love what you have put together for all of us to read. Your family is so beautiful!
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