Alexa is now 5 months and teething. Oh my. I can't stand the runny nose, drooling, the screaming and wailing. The waking up all night. I wish those darned things would just come in already.
And, as you can see, Ainsley is losing hers. It grosses me out. She sits there and turns them. They make this nasty creaking sound. oooh. Just thinking about it gives me the chills.
Yuck. Teeth. I am so glad I am not a dentist.
I am with you with the teeth thing. Loose teeth gross me out! I can't stand it! The baby is just darling as can be!iefxjrz
Oh your kids are so cute! I am so glad that I am still able to know everything going on in your life...haha! As for my guy, yes you would approve. Very respectful to me and he takes good care of me. I have lots of stories that I will blog about in the next couple of days that will help your approval. He is a member of the United States military stationed up at Hill air force base in Layton. So yes, I am a new military wife. Craziness!
You are such a least Ainsley will touch them. We get screaming to high heaven when we even touch the darn things. (not a stage i enjoy)
So I cannot believe how different Alexa looks in just a few months time. That is crazy. She is adorable. I hate the teething phase as well. Good Luck with that!! :)
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