I wish I had some of Ainsley as an infant online, but I don't! She came before our digital camera. And, I don't have a scanner. This will have to do. Let me know who you think Alexa looks like!
A few funny things happened this week. I can't let them slip by.
First, last Sunday when we were at church, Brandon got all excited after the bread and water were finished. "Why are you so glad to be done with that?" I asked. "Because now we are done with Sacrament and can move on to SNACKrament. Pass me the goldfish, please!"
Secondly, Ainsley cam home from school on Monday thrilled that her PE teacher paid her a compliment. "She told me I match very nicely today." Ainsley has this thing about matching clothes, shoes, and hair accessories. Always has. Sometimes they don't really match, but she is the fashion police I tell you! Anyway, I thought that was really weird for a PE teacher to say. "What did she tell you?" "She said I am very coordinated." :)
Last,BUTT not least, today Ryan was commenting on how big Brandon is getting. He said, "Brandon, maybe it's because I have been looking at babies, but you sure do look big today!" "Dad, why are you looking at babies butts?" What? Reread that and you will figure it out. I guess he paused in the wrong spot. Maybe it's not funny written. Sorry! I guess you had to be there!
Thanks to Ryan for updating yesterday. He was nervous :) Things went really well, but I am glad I am done. She is beautiful, but VERY hairy. We thought she looked more like Brandon, but as we were looking at baby photos today, she looks a lot like Ainsley, too. I'll post some baby shots of them tomorrow and you can let me know what you think. Labor and delivery went well, I loved my epidural. About 5 hours After she was born we went for a nice walk around the floor. I felt SOOOOO good. I seriously have not felt that great after delivery, EVER! The nurses were shocked. A little later, I was feeling a little worse. I commented on this to the nurse. She asked if I wanted another Loritab. ANOTHER loritab? I didn't know I had any! THAT'S why I felt so good. Since then, I've been a little sore, but not too bad. We were lucky to have both of the kids grandparents here. By chance, Ryan's dad was here on business, and my mom drove up from California. The kids were thrilled. Alexa had to have her stomach emptied as she was gagging and not feeling too great. I could just tell, you know, the mom thing. So, they found tons of fluid in her stomach. Amniotic, I guess. She still isn't feeling that great, and though we are home, she is having lots of stomach aches. Hopefully, she's feeling better tomorrow. Have a great night, I am heading to bed!
Here she is! (Usually this blog is the exclusive domain of Whitney, but I'll give it a shot). Alexa Jane Sims was born on April 23, 2008 at 4:54 a.m. She was a healthy 8 pounds 7 ounces and 20 inches long with a huge amount of jet black hair. (We'll post more photos over the next few days). So far, she is a wonderfully calm baby. We'll see what Whitney thinks after tonight.
Everything went really well. Mom and baby are both doing awesome. Whitney went into the hospital last night at the assigned 10:00 p.m. After a few hours on the Pitocin drip, little Alexa was ready to be born. Whitney and baby will be home tomorrow morning.
Sorry for this long post, but it's been a while since I've talked about something other than being pregnant. We all deserve more than that, right?
Because it is our last Saturday as a family of four, we all went to Tumbleweed Park and had a blast. Of course, Ainsley saw two teachers from her school (that is like DEATH!!!) but other than that, they had a great time. We had a couple of other things planned for the day, but the kids were pooped! So, we called it a day and came home. Who would think they could tire out before their prego mom?
Ainsley still hates getting her picture taken, so there are more photos of Brandon. I wonder if she will ever grow out of that? I remember being at that stage in life.
Speaking of Brandon, he is SOOOO hilarious. Last week he was at our neighbors house playing when their dad came home from work. They have this ritual of who gets to bring Dad a beer when he comes in the door. The kids were fighting over it, when Brandon started to lecture them on the dangers of beer. He also told them it is against the Word of Wisdom, and they shouldn't EVER have it in their house. He seriously went on for like 5 minutes. Sara (the mom) was trying hard not to laugh at my little 5 year old. She and Jim told him thanks and that it is good to stand up for what he is taught in his house. Funny, huh?
Then, last night Ryan was playing Chocolatier (some computer game) with Brandon on his lap. Brandon asked what the coffee beans were. When Ryan told him, he said it wasn't good to make coffee chocolate and we should never have it in our house!
Okay, so I AM a jealous person. I admit it. But for those of you who know my friend Cassie - she had her baby on Sunday!!! I am jealous! She was due the same day as me (Wednesday.) I'm very happy for her, and glad she has a new healthy girl in her family. Also, as it hit 100 degrees today, I wanted to say I am jealous of you in Utah with your cool weather. It's HARD to sleep when it's hot and I am hugely prego! Hopefully I have some good news soon....
I am such a nerd, I know. But I thought I would try this. DESPERATION! I am not showing this picture of Brandon's room just so you can see what it looks like. I actually moved the solid wood bed, TV and cabinet, train table and dresser ALL BY MYSELF.
So far it hasn't worked. She's perfectly happy in there, I guess.
You may be thinking that I haven't written for a while because I had a baby, but NO!!! I just haven't really had anything to say. I'm still here hanging around, waiting....
So much has been written about Ainsley lately, here's a little blurb about Brandon.
Today Brandon had his first T-Ball game. Our friends, the Strasbergs, had both of their kids on the team we played against. That was funny. Brandon did a great job. He played center field and 3rd base. He only got to bat once, but did it! I think he liked it better than soccer, even though it was windy and COLD tonight!
Another great day for Ains. She won 1st place in the essay contest for all of the Benjamin Franklin schools. We are so proud of her. There are 4 schools, 3 to 4 1st grade classes at each one, with 2 contestants from each class. She has really been shining lately! They had a dinner for the top 3 winners of each class level, and the 1st place winners read them out loud. She wouldn't read it. She is just way too shy, so her teacher read it for her. At least she stood up in front of everyone, right? Here is a copy of her essay: Rainbow Ice Cream Makes me Happy
Rainbow ice cream makes me happy because it is yummy and colorful. It has pink and green in it which are two colors that I like. This ice cream is cold on my tongue. It is very creamy. I like rainbow ice cream.
If knowing too much information about my personal birthing stuff is too much for you, don't read this!
But, I have big news! No, I didn't have the baby yet. It's not THAT big. I was feeling really sick on Sunday. Headaches, nausea,dizzy, etc. This carried on to Monday, so I called the Dr. You might not think that is enough to call on, but last Wed. I had gained 6 lbs in 1 week! That's more than I have gained in an entire month! I was SOOOOOO swollen with water retention. So, I was supposed to watch for signs of pre-eclampsia, etc.
Anyway, I went in to get my blood pressure checked and it was higher than usual, so they did a full check. Here is the BIG NEWS. I was dilated to a 2!!!! With both of my other kids, at 41 weeks, I was still at a 0. Whoo hoo.
I'm feeling great now, and everything is fine, but I am excited to see if I can actually go into labor on my own this time. And not be so LATE! (Brandon was almost 10 lbs by the time he finally came out!!!)