Back in the old days my little sis Sally used to answer the phone with the loudest hello you ever did hear. Then she would ignore the caller and start licking the phone.
Things aren't too different in the Sims' household. Here is a more typical scenario. Ainsley answers. "hello?" Then without another word she drops the phone on the counter or looks for me while the caller is wondering if anyone is still there. She says she is too shy to say "just a minute please." And if Brandon answers (And that is a big IF as he will let the phone ring for hours) he yells, "huh? What? Huh?" Over and over.
So for our family home evening on Monday we decided to have a lesson on phone ettiquette. We went over proper things to say and I brought the 2 cell phones in to use as practice.
This is about how it went.
Ainsley: Hello?
Dad: Hi, can I speak with Brandon please?
Ainsley: I'm sorry, he can't come to the phone, he is taking a dump.
Try again in the midst of laughing and rolling on the floor.
Brandon: Hello?
Mom: Hi can I please speak to your dad?
Brandon: No, he's stuck on the toilet.
hee hee giggle giggle.
With 10 minutes of practice phone calls, at least 95% consisted of bathroom business. Alexa even got in on it.
So here is my question for you today? What makes PooP so funny?