BUT, I did tell her I would make some hair accessories with her to appease her craving for attention. Here is the bounty we ended up with.
She's sporting one of the headbands she made for Alexa, too.
And here is Alexa with one of the MONGO flower headbands. Her head is so small it looks especially weird. I can assure you this will not make it out in public. Ryan did suggest she could wear it as a potted plant on Halloween!
I love these creative little daughters of ours! I love making hair stuff as you know! That is a mongo huge flower - I have several of those and still cannot put them on Kate! But, she wore an adorable clip-on flower clippie to church! All the 2 year olds are jealous! :)
I love the Sandi Henderson Fabric - I don't think they had any when I was there but I could be wrong. I let Lindsay do the choosing! I will go on on a shipment sometime if you want to though.
Love the fun hair stuff--and even cuter than Ainsley was the designer!
cute! Ainsley is one in a million. I miss you and want to kiss that baby so bad
Could I hire Ainsley to make some for Kiah? That big flower might look normal-sized on her giant noggin! With a head in the 90%, I need custom headbands-haha! :)
for reals, Whitney--you'd laugh at my girls then with their mongo flowers! I think Alexa looks darling in that flower--I bet you anything if you take her just to Target with it you'll get like 5 compliments and then you'll be convinced that it really IS darling. They're only tiny once! They hit 5 and want nothing to do with big mongo flowers. CUTE!!!!!!
I think she looks way cute! Way to go Ainsley for being creative and getting your mamma off her behind :)
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