Monday, January 18, 2010

Goals ROCK

Last night when I was going to bed I found Brandon asleep on my part of the bed.

I hate warm sheets. But that is another story.

When Ryan lifted him out to carry him to his room I found he was sleeping on this large rock.

It says, "Remember. Read scriptures Privately." hmmm. Firstly, how does one SLEEP with their head on a rock that is 6" in diameter? Secondly, does my daughter really think she can strong arm me into accomplishing my goal? :) So Ryan came back in the room laughing his butt off. hahaha. "That is great. You know she wouldn't have done that if you would just read every day!" He is still chuckling out loud when he turns off the light and lays down. KLUNK! Guess what what hiding underneath his pillow?

And that should answer your questions as to whether or not Brandon's newly painted room is keeping him in his own bed.


Amy said...

Hahaha!! I love that it says 'instead of playing on the computer'! hahaha

JACK's house said...

That is hilarious....children sure know their parents!

Casey said...

Oh my gosh! Future little missionary in the works!

karen said...

because what we need is just a little more guilt from our kids! and a goose egg, to boot...

I'll ask Ryan how his genealogy is going next week in nursery.

Meredith said...

Star Wars didn't do it?? My Caroline would love to have that room. It is awesome. I love the rock goals, by the way.

shayla said...

SOO clever. classic!