She loves reading of ANY kind. (Who could she have inherited that from? haha) Ainsley is on the 4th Harry Potter and you can find her hiding in all corners of the house trying to read without Alexa finding her. But, alas, the baby wants to be with and like her big sissy.
Now, can we get BRANDON to enjoy reading?
Adorable! I love how she wanted to read scriptures with you - just too cute. Kate brings me shoes. That's her thing right now. I can't believe Ainsley is reading Harry Potter! That is awesome! Lindsay's eyeballs are glued to Nancy Drew right now.
That was very funny Whitney and cute! I'm so glad Ainsley likes to read! Has she read any of the Katie Katzoo books? Emma and Malissa love them! If you ever need any ideas for books let me know because I have a few book worms myself!
Oh the look on Ainsley's face says it all!! Anissa has finally picked up "Anne of Green Gables"...
OMGoodness, Alexa sleeping with the scriptures is the cutest thing ever!!
That is priceless, holding tight to the Word of God! SO cute! (: I think that would be an ADORABLE cover to a baptismal invitation. Ok, I know many a year before that but still!
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