Ainsley had been praying for an actual snowstorm ON her birthday and she got it! I peeked outside bright and early on Saturday and saw about 10 inches. I woke up Ryan. "Honey, I think you should get up and plow the driveway for your dad." He mumbled, "plow or shovel?" "PLOW! I's horrible." He grumbled and rolled out of bed. There was a LOT of snow!

After the driveway was cleared, Ryan's Grandma Joy invited us over for a birthday party breakfast for Ainsley. She is so thoughtful that way.

Katie taught the kids how to build a snowman. They seriously didn't know!

The saddest family picture ever.
1 comment:
You make me laugh! (I do have to say that I'm glad I made it out friday night...might not have gotten home otherwise ;)
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