Monday, October 18, 2010

Today while I walked away from the computer...

Ainsley dedcided to play a trick on me. She said it was October Fools Day.
She turned everything into Japanese, but had no idea how she did it or where the button was. I have to be honest. It took me a good 20 minutes to figure it out. I clicked on every button I could find until something worked.
She is always playing little jokes on us, that stinker!


Melissa said...

Can't wait to catch up with you tomorrow at playgroup! Looks like you've been busy:)

TamaraLove said...

That is so FUNNY! Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (:

JACK's house said...

Funny girl............HHAAPPYY BBIIRRTTHHDDAAYY!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Funny! I have to admit, though,
Ainsley is smarter than grandma!
I didn't even know you could do that on a computer!!