Ainsley and Ryan before the baptism

Ainsley and me
Today was a big day for our family. It's an amazing thing to watch your children grow up, and today was one of those milestones that drops your jaw. Ainsley was baptized. It was an amazing meeting, with many family and friends present. We all felt the spirit so strongly and were grateful to be a part of this necessary step in her life.
Being so far from family, we were glad to have so many family members here. Ryan's dad and step-mom flew in from Utah for the day. Ryan's Grandma Joy flew in for a whole week of child-spoiling fun. My mom and grandma made it in just yesterday after a very long drive. Megan and Jake now live here. LOT'S of family around is wonderful. We have really missed that. We were almost going to have our brother-in-law Aaron here, but Ryan's sister is was just put on bedrest at 28 weeks with twins. He's a little busy. ;p
We also had so many wonderful friends come. Ainsley invited our neighbors (her best friends) and we were delighted they all came. For keepsaking purposes, I want to list and thank those friends that attended. The Smith family, the Marushak family, the Artis family, the Johnson family, the Zollinger family, the Stevenson family, the Oliekan family, Susan and Becca Webb, Janie and Sydeny Scholes, Brother Worley, Ainsley's primary teacher Kathy Bowman, and the full-time missionaries. Thanks you Thank you for your love and support. We love you!

Ainsley and her friends
It was very emotional, even Ryan had a hard time making it through the confirmation. And you should have seen Alexa's eyes when Ainsley went under water. Wow!
Well, congratulations, Ainsley! We are so proud of you and hope you remember how wonderful this day was for ever and ever!

Congrats...sounds like it was a great day! I wish we could live closer so we could have been there. Tell her we are proud of her!
Erica and Hannah
Such a wonderful special day!!! I really wish we could have been there - it ultimately didn't work out. Ainsley is so sweet - you are one blessed family!
That last picture is just priceless. Way to go, Ainsley!
She is growing up so fast! She is just beautiful! Congrats!
Congratulations! What a big day! I wish we could have been there! Great pictures!
Congratulations to Ainsley! We're all proud of you!
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