Today is the birthday of my oldest child, Ainsley! I love Ainsley so much. She has changed our lives so much during the last 8 years. Ainsley is smart, funny, creative, talented, and witty. She is good at nearly ANYTHING she tries.
Here is our interview with Ainsley on her 8th birthday:
What is your favorite color? Lavender
What is your favorite food? Steak, Ice cream and Roodt Beer Floats
What do you enjoy doing at school? Art, Cursive, and music
If you could go anywhere on a vacation, where would you go? a cruise
If you got anything you wanted for breakfast in bed, what would it be? Ice Cream
What is your favorite outfit? Well, I don't actually HAVE it yet, but I know you bought it because I saw it in your closet. It's grey leggings with a plaid grey skirt. (peeking in my closet, eh?)
What is your favorite thing to do? Gymnastics.
More than soccer? WAY
TV show? ArthurMovie? Jumanji
Favorite type of art? watercolor
What do you want to be when you grow up? first a teacher and an artist. Then mayor, then President of the United States.What kind of car do you want to drive when you grow up? Limosine
How many kids do want when you grow up? 1,000 (Good luck to your uterus!)
Happy Birthday Ainsley
Have a great Birthday Ainsley! Hope you have a great day!
We are not old enough to have our babies be turning 8 are we? What happened to the days of you, me and Courtney hanging out everyday with our crazy babies coloring on themselves with markers :)
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