Friday, February 20, 2009

Flashback Friday

March 2004
Do you ever bribe your kids to get their pictures taken? If you look carefully you can see fruit snacks hanging out of Brandon's mouth.


Amy said...

It was worth the bribe--that's a really cute pic! In Halle's toddler pic you can see cookies clenched very tightly in her hands! ;)

Meredith said...

Dude, whatever it takes!

shayla said...

seriously. When picture time comes around for all six of my kids at the same time...we have bags of goodies waiting in the wings. Darling photo!

Erica Phillips said...

Yes, in fact the last professional pics I had done of Abby she was holding and eating fruit snacks so they are not only hanging out of the mouth , but also the fingers! Oh well, if it gets a smile it is worth it :)