Friday, January 18, 2008


I wanted to update you on the volunteering venture.

First, Ryan wanted me to correct myself. He said our kids ARE spoiled. Sorry for misleading you. :) (I guess it depends on your definition of spoiled. His is a want for nothing.)

I LOVED the ideas you guys shared. We decided to do something once a month. Our first is helping an organization in Mesa called Save the Family. They help falling apart families. During the week they offer classes to children teaching coping skills for abuse, divorce, etc. We will be providing lunch to a class in February. Next comes Shayla's great idea for the NICU. (That will take a little time for sewing, etc.) And then comes the Nursing home. (Thanks Kary.) We are all excited, even the kids. After that comes the babe, so we may need a little break. Or at least I will.

Thanks again!

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