Monday, April 11, 2011


B-dog in his scout shirt (Thanks Cassie!)
Brandon just started scouts last week.  He is absolutely LOVING it!  He has already finished the belt loop for chess and is working on video games.  haha.

And a little story about B-Dog.  Yesterday he told Ryan he never wants to leave Arizona and will stay living with us forever.  Ryan said, "Don't you want to grow up and get married?"  He said, "How am I supposed to do that?  You never taught me how!"


JACK's house said...

He looks cute (can I say that to an 8 yr old? ;) btw: while he looks cute...I REALLY DON'T LIKE THAT BLUE SHIRT BECAUSE IT REPRESENTS MY CURRENT CALLING THAT is so not my favorite....:P

Kat M said...

ROFL!....a video game belt loop? Whatever it is, Will is going to earn it in his first week.

That is awesome that he is loving it!

Lytles said...

Looking sharp!