Brandon really wanted to have a LEGO birthday party this year. There are a lot of lego parties out there in blog land, but this was our fun fun party. First, I found this cute picture
here and added text to it on Then I printed it at
Costco for what... 13 cents a pop? Super cute! (Stickers added because you didn't really want to see my address and phone number, did you?)
Here is a picture of his cake. I baked a small rectangle and used the rest of the batter for 6 cupcakes. It worked great, but after I saw some cute ideas for large marshmallows, instead. That would work, too!
We made some juice box labels to look like legos, and drew circles on the plates with sharpies. Idea found
here. We also used mason jars filled with Duplo blocks for balloon weights and to make the table look pretty.
Ainsley and I made these cute mashmallow pops found at
Living Locurto. Technically, they are cake pops, but I wasn't feeling that ambitious. So I bought some yellow candy melt at JoAnn's with my 40% off coupon. I cut two small marshmallows and placed one half (sticky side down) on the top of a large marshmallow. Stuck a stick in, and dipped! After they dried we used black cake gel to draw faces. It was really fun!
I was, however, perplexed at how to display them. I see cake pops everywhere, but I didn't know what to do with them! I bought some craft styrofoam stuff at the dollar store by the flowers. I chopped it up and put it in mason jars. Then I took strips of brightly colored paper and wrapped it around the inside of the jar. Not perfect, but it worked for me.
The left over candy melt covered some strawberries. Brandon LOVES chocolate covered strawberries.
We had a guess how many legos are in the jar game. Wow. 8 year olds are really bad at estimating. Really bad.
It's funny how Ainsley made sure Brandon wasn't in the house for her party. But she sure made her presence know at his. Couldn't get her out of our faces for a minute! lol
We played a few games like: who can make the highest tower in 3 minutes. Who can build the strongest bridge, who can build a spaceship, etc. I had a bunch of bags of legos on the table. I had a bowl full of candy bars and the winner for each contest chose a candy. I think everyone got a prize for each contest because we only had 5 boys there. I just used different awards like "most creative" "Fastest time."

We also did a relay race outside with legos in a spoon.
For party favors, I bought 8 packs of legos for $20 on Super deal! They put their candy bars in the bag as the won prizes. I also bought some mini lego figurines at on clearance for like 75 cents a piece.
It was a small and inexpensive party, but just perfect for Brandon! We had a great time and Brandon was thrilled!