About 2 months ago I attended this really fun blogging breakfast/shopping trip called Tour de thrift. It was so fun, but being in the middle of a move, I never posted about it. I had a blast and am totally going again next year.

I won a gift certificate to
Magnificent Metal and finally cashed that sucker in for this darling key chain. What do you think? I have to tell you, this was made, sent and received in less than a week. It came in the cutest boxes and I love it! It was exactly as I pictured it. If you are in the market for some handmade jewelry I would definitely try them out!
So Super Cute! I love homemade jewelery! It is perfect! (: Thank you for sharing...
WAY CUTE! but i'm too cheap
This is sooo darling!! I love it. And speaking of winning things, I just ordered a new scale with my CSN winnings! I was so excited! I kept getting on and ALMOST ordering two things: a new clock (but the one I wanted was over $40, which kept making me hesitate), and new cupcake pans (but they werent free shipping, also causing me to hesitate because, dangit I'm cheap now-a-days!). So, I ended up getting a much needed scale for $.39! Not too shabby!!
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