Well, to be honest, we haven't been up to much at all lately! The weather has been nice and that's about it! Ainsley and I made a bunch of pompoms to decorate for Valentines and they are so cute I think we will keep them up until her birthday party. And maybe Brandon's. And maybe Alexa's.

Speaking of birthday parties, we have been preparing for Ainsley's 10th. She has decided on a teeny tiny party. Here is a picture of her 2 inch tall invitation.

What's that? You can't read it? Of course not. It's so tiny, I'm not kidding. It says something about
Please come to Ainsley's teeny tiny tenth birthday.
She has so many fun ideas planned, so we will post later after the party.
1 comment:
Great idea for a party! Malissa went to a teeny tiny party and came back with teeny tine stuff.
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