I am one of those people who never has any ideas of my own, so I copy other peoples. And, unfortunately, I don't have that natural talent to make them go well.

Ainsley and I found these heart suckers on the internet. "What a GREAT idea!" We even had all the candy canes left over from Christmas. We bought them for 10 cents a box after Christmas. These four pictures above are the ONLY ones that worked.

They either stuck to the pan...

Or ended up looking like this.
My two kids are totally different. One prefers the $2.99 Batman make-it-easy-on-mom valentines and the other HAS HAS HAS to have something homemade.
We found this other (much easier) template on the internet which she could do herself. Only problem. For some reason every sheet of colored paper got stuck in the printer. So, much to her dismay, white valentines it is.

And guess what. They might be ugly, but we actually had fun!
I saw that sucker and thought there was no way I could get that to work - you were brave to try! I did the photo card (on UCreate) with the outheld fist holding a sucker. SUPER easy and SUPER cute! Will get pics up soon. The heart one I am sure was fun to make. Caroline was disappointed that she couldn't sign her name. Her picture is of her big toothless smile - she doesn't need to sign it!
That is such a cute idea! What a fun Mom you are!!! I totally want to make something with my kids today. They have the day off. I bet they would humor me. Hee hee. (:
Way cute...your at it again ;)
Oh no! I was going to make those candy cane lollipops for the party today. But I couldn't find the sticks... maybe it's for the best. The version I saw had white choclate in the middle with spinkles to hold it together. Halle was thrilled with her $2.50 Harry Potter valentines, too though... You guys still get an A for effort! LOL
Very cute! I have a few candy cane boxes nyself....great idea for next year!
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