Sunday, February 28, 2010
A few late thoughts...
We found this cat on Craigs List. The family had to move into an apt building and had to get rid of the cat THAT DAY or give her to the shelter. So I am a sucker for anything that will be euthanized. She is a sweet, small calico. She's been spayed and has her shots. She's about 3 years old. The lady was here for about 1/2 hour while her kids were bawling outside with her husband. When she left, Ainsley was elated! About 20 minutes after that Brandon's eyes became huge and puffy. His nose and eyes began to run and it was apparent he is super allergic. For the last week Ryan and I have been battling this allergy thing, as well. Funny how we both grew up with cats and developed this allergy! We've been taking her outside a little everyday and soon will be more of an outside cat. :)
Also, I had a few thoughts regarding Ainsley's birthday party. This party was extremely time consuming for me. I have been working, sewing, organizing, shopping. Very stressful. Well, day of she is a bear! She wasn't very grateful for her presents. (Which she LOVED! EVERY ONE!) But she had some sort of weird attitude going on. Then, later I caught her yelling at a friend over for the party. Well, technically the party had ended, so I scolded her aside and had her think about life for a few minutes in my bathroom. Later she was complaining of how hungry she was. Well, what did you have for lunch? Nothing. Breakfast? Nothing. Being the great mom I am, I totally didn't feed her ALL DAY! She is nine, however, and can feed herself. She is perfectly capable (and does it all the time!) of making sandwiches, etc. But in the hustle and bustle of the day, food just got left behind! Oops! (And in case you are wondering, Brandon and Alexa were fed.)
Third, a little pet peeve of mine I want to share. (I am 99.9% sure this girls mom will never see this blog.) One girl was invited to the party and let us know she would be a little late. She was. But the party ended at 4:00. Par for the course, a few neighbors stayed to play after the party so it wasn't a big deal that she stayed for a while after. Well, 4:30, no mom. 5:00, no mom. 5:30, no mom. Kind of strange! We were going to my moms for dinner at 6:00. 6:00 no mom. So we drove her home! Mind you this was a girl from school, not a neighbor or family friend. Anybody else think this is bizarre?
Happy Number 9, Ainsley
This is Lily. She was rescued and adopted. Very sweet.
Favorite color: blue
Favorite TV show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Favorite subject: art
Favorite hobby: ride scooters
Favorite food: steak
Worst thing about life right now: Brandon sleeping in my room.
Favorite book series: Harry Potter
Favorite movie: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Ainsley read the ENTIRE HP series twice through since September. I finallytalked her into starting a new series last week. We'll see if it's a keeper. She loves Harry Potter so much she had a Harry Potter birthday party yesterday. Let me give you a low down.
The kids all received a letter from Prof. Dumbledore inviting them to attend Hogwarts on the day of the party. When the kids arrived, they had to go to Gringotts to withdraw some money. They also received a list of items necessary for school this year. Hogsmeade was in the garage. (We know ours was really a mixture of hogsmeade and diagon alley but so what.) There was Eeylops owl emporiaum, Flourish and Blotts, the Apothecary, and Honeydukes. I was going to make wands for veryone and have Ollivanders, but was a little overwhelmed. Who me???? They purchased everything they needed for school. Magic kits, cauldrons, pets, candy, etc.
After the shopping, we met in the Great Hall for the sorting hat ceremony. We taped my open cell phone into the hat and had ryan telling the girls from the other room whether they were gryffindor or slytherin. It was hilarious. They were so stumped!
Class was next. Divination, potions, charms, and transfiguration. If anyone wants details, I can give them to you.
Finally we went to the 3 broomsticks for butterbeer and cupcakes. It was so fun! Happy Birthday Ainsley!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Oops I did it again
You will notice I TOTALLY ruined my favorite pot. :( So, just for the record, I HATE my electric stove and miss miss miss my gas one in Utah. :( This is what simmer will do to you. And, also just for the record, kids walking in and out of the 100 times does not mean that one of them will tell you "the house smells like fire mom."
Monday, February 15, 2010
Valentines Day Love!
And since $ is tight, but fabric is plentiful, I made these cute church totes for the kids. I'm sick of the big huge bag full of trash every week. Brandon's is the cutest dog material, but Ryan calls it his man purse. As long as Brandon likes it, I don't care!!!