About 2 weeks ago, we left on a trip to Utah. We had such a great time, we didn't want to come home. Especially Ryan. :)
Ryan's dad flew down to drive up with us and he took off with Ainsley in tow. We love having all of our children together, but what a nice change it was having only two! No fighting! Wow!!!
We spent the night in St. George, and headed out the next day.

Of course we stopped in Beaver for ice cream and squeaky cheese.

We then went through to grandma Joy's. The kids were STARVING for attention and homemade bread.

Alexa loved grandpa's garden. Especially the peas.
Next, we went to Julee's to have fun with the cousins and Taylorsville Dayzz. I'm not sure why my camera is white in the next few photo's. Still trying to figure the thing out.

Megan was a little tired.

Me and Kayla (one of the new twinners.) They are so adorable.

Katie, Nick, Megan, Ainsley and Bella. We missed Nate this trip!!! And notice Brandon is missing? See below.

Bella, Katie and Brandon rode the Twister. Brandon threw up immediately after. All over the sidewalk, grass, and his dad! :)

Mike, Lori, Julee and the new babes.
The kids LOVE seeing their cousins and had a great time!
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